
A yellow street sign that shows a family running across a street and the words CAUTION against trees and the words below What Would Jesus Do?
10 July 2019

What would Jesus do about the undocumented immigrant crisis at our southern border?

He would walk with them to America but then hold up his hand and proclaim, “Stop Here!”

He would also create a far-reaching network of pro...

Black line drawing of three men at a table supposedly arguing though their heads are a gorilla, a stag with antlers and a shark, the word politics at the top
10 July 2019

At the end of June, our corporate media overlords blessed us with the most inclusive political debate in American history. Twenty candidates seeking the Democratic presidential nomination made their case to voters over the...

Black Square with silhouette of young child with a blindfold and the words Stop Israeli Military Detention
10 July 2019

Jewish Voice for Peace, along with many other national organizations, is a campaign partner of the “No Way to Treat a Child” campaign that seeks to challenge Israel’s prolonged military occupation of Palestinians by exposing widespread...

Yellow background with words in red Red State Revolt and words below in white the teachers' strike wave and working-class politics Eric Blanc
09 July 2019

Wednesday, July 10, 2019, 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Hosted by Columbus DSA.  Educators across the country are rising up against low pay, privatization, and austerity. Former high school teacher Eric Blanc has been on the...

Four white guys one playing a kazoo and looking like rock stars except one guy in the middle with a sport coat on
09 July 2019

One of the best feelings in the world is seeing a hot band in a cozy club playing a show so unforgettably on that you're sure – absolutely sure-fire sure – the best rock'n'roll anywhere on the planet that night is being performed right...

Young white woman with glasses and brown hair tied back speaking and gesturing at a podium with two guys at the table behind her
09 July 2019

In this year’s elections around Athens County, Ohio, there are a number of independent candidates running for office, including several socialists.

McCray Powell (I, Nelsonville) and Ellie Hamrick (I, Athens) are both running for...


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