
Three young white girls with one above the other looking down
09 June 2019

Lily Kunning (Columbus, Ohio’s community herbalist) has launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund work on a comprehensive online course for girls and young women to learn about their bodies, sexuality, gender, relationships, and more. “It...

Words Community Festival and Local Action Global Impact in circles around a world and some trees
09 June 2019

My earliest memory of Comfest was probably the Summer of 2000. I was in the process of wrapping up a degree at Ohio State and living at a place on Tompkins Street. I was sort of dragooned into going by the guys who lived next door, who...

Green, blue, yellow red and purple hands reaching up
09 June 2019

There are ways for straight and cis people to be supportive to the LGBTQ+ community that are more impactful than attending a Pride parade as an onlooker or marcher:

1. Volunteer with organizations that are putting on Pride events...

Drawing of a fist and words Central Ohio Worker Center
09 June 2019

Sunday, June 9, 2019, 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Please just us for a summer celebration! Enjoy food, drink, conversation, and music. See COWC’s new office and participate in the cornhole tournament! Bring the whole family, we...

Big fat nuclear plant smokestack with white smoke billowing out against a blue sky
09 June 2019

Testimony before the Ohio legislature on House Bill 6, Ohio’s nuclear and coal plant bailout bill which ironically also cuts off funds for renewable energies.

Is Ohio's legislature declaring a state of atomic socialism...

Oval with words Blue Rock Station
07 June 2019

Sat, June 8, 6:30-11pm
1021 E. Broad St. in the backyard, weather permitting, free, no RSVP required. or 614-253-2571.

Join progressive friends...


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