Words Poor People's Campaign and silhouette of people waving flags and fists in air
12 February 2019

Wednesday, February 13, 12:30 PM
Join us advocating full restoration and expansion of the Voting Rights Act, an end to racist and partisan gerrymandering, equal treatment for people with disabilities, ending racist...

Words Sherrod Brown, Jim Renacci, WRITE IN and Exact Tie
11 February 2019

Tuesday, February 12, 2019, 7:00 PM. 
Paul A. Beck, Professor Emeritus, OSU Department of Political Science, will join us to present an ANALYSIS OF THE 2018 ELECTION.  Some potential topics include:  Ohio and the “...

Colorful reddish background like a watercolor in bright vibrant colors, the silhouette of of a woman with a huge natural Afro in blue
11 February 2019

February is the month that is set aside for Black/African American history. For twenty-eight days people who live in the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Ireland and Canada will be indoctrinated with information and...

Lots of people from the back as they walk outside in a big long line going off into the distance between trees and overcast sky
10 February 2019

Monday, February 11, 2019, 5:00 – 8:00 PM.  Support CCBOR at City Council Meeting. Please come and show your support on Monday, as we present to city council asking them to...

White man with yellow headband and blue T-Shirt with sun in the middle holding a sign that says Let the People Vote
09 February 2019
On Monday, February 11, 2019, 5:00 pm, Columbus City Hall, the People of Columbus will request that Columbus City Council pass an ordinance to place the Columbus Community Bill of Rights (CCBOR) initiative on the May 2019 ballot, giving...
People in the background with picket signs and words Fight to Win Medicare for all
08 February 2019

The grassroots Medicare for All movement will ramp up like never before Feb. 9-13, during the Medicare for All Week of Action, as volunteers across the U.S. host 150 Medicare for All “barnstorm” mass organizing meetings to kickstart...


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