06 February 2019

Wednesday, Feb 6, 7pm
Grammercy Books, 2424 E. Main St.
A Black History Month special event not to be missed! Join veteran, teacher, historian and author Sandra Bolzenius as she discusses her book,...

Close up of a parking meter and cars parked behind it
06 February 2019

City leaders have said trying to find parking in the Short North, even during peak hours, is a First World problem.

“I do agree that this is a First World problem, but parking is emotional because it affects you every day. It is...

Book cover with rust colored top and black and white photo of Frederick Douglass below, with title of book
05 February 2019

When beloved Acorn Books on W. 5th Ave. began their three-month long-goodbye going-out-of-business sale a year ago, books were half-price. Nice.

Sad, but nice. I scored a few. Mostly World War II histories.

Then, after a...

Gray haired white man in blue shirt wearing headphones talking into an elaborate microphone set up
05 February 2019

At the end of January, the investigation into Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and their potential ties to Russia seemed to focus around one person – Roger Stone. This developed into a weekend news cycle around Stone that prompted...

Salad on a plate with a little cup of salad dressing at the side
05 February 2019

Chop5 Salad Kitchen is a new “create a chopped salad” concept sprouting up in the Polaris area. It makes getting your daily requirements for leafy greens, vegetables, legumes, fruits, and seeds fun and easy!

When 97% of the...

Black woman in a gray suit with a white necklace making a gesture while talking at a microphone
04 February 2019

Tuesday, February 5, 2019, 8:30 – 11:00 PM
Join Fair Fight for a watch party as our Founder and Chair ...


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