Colorful background of people with mainly pink signs at a rally and words Socialist Feminism and the New Women's Movement
21 January 2019

Tuesday, January 22, 2019, 6:30 – 8:00 PM 
Join us to discuss building the fight against sexist and racist oppression under capitalism, and for a society based on our needs - a socialist world!  A new women's...

Dark red background with words detailing the event in white and headshot of a black woman with hair wrapped around the top of her head
20 January 2019

The Police Officers for Equal Rights (POER) host the annual Free MLK breakfast
Monday, January 21, 8-10am Breakfast, 10am-12pm - Program
First AME Zion Church, 873 Bryden Rd.
Breakfast is free, keynote speaker: Ohio...

People marching outside with a huge banner that reads Respect Indigenous People's Rights End colonialism
19 January 2019

The Indigenous People's March comes to Washington today, and the snow-clad streets of the citadel of the American Empire are about to turn Red!

It might be mistaken for any other day. The slushy sidewalks are half full of sleepy...

Black and pick mess on a floor and words Caution Asbestos
17 January 2019

It’s been almost 70 years since the idea of climate change was introduced to the world — 70 years of compiling data, furthering research, and building the kind of ironclad case that only science can build. And yet, there is still a very...

Women marching and young blonde woman holding a pink sign that says Girls Just Want to Have Fun-damental Rights
17 January 2019

Saturday, January 19, 11am
Social Justice Park, Cleveland Avenue nd Broad Street
Sponsored by ...

Middle aged white man in a suit with brown receding hair at a mic with a flag in the background
17 January 2019

January 14, 2018 // Columbus City Council voted to allow individual campaign donors to give them, and other city office holder candidates $12,707.79 per year. In the last agenda item of the night, on Tuesday 14 January, the city...


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