Colorful flyer with details of the event
07 October 2018

Monday, October 8, 6-10pm
Woodlands Tavern, 1200 W. Third
Honorees include: Free Press “Libby” Award for Community Activism: Sandy Bolzenius, Free Press Artist Award: Malcolm J., Free Press Volunteer Award: Steve Caruso,...

Banner that says Who Did your voting machine vote for?
05 October 2018

Live Stream Broadcast Saturday, October 6, 3:00-6:00pm eastern time
Featuring Bob Fitrakis, Mark Crispin Miller and Jonathan Simon

Was the 2016 election rigged for Trump? Will the 2018 midterms be rigged...

Side view of man and woman singing to each other into a mic, man is playing  guitar
05 October 2018

A Star Is Born has been made and remade so often, it must hit a chord with the American psyche. Either that, or it’s such a perfect star vehicle that Hollywood just can’t let it gather dust for long.

Whether it’s set in...

Painting of thin white bald man in a gray suit from a side view as he gestures and gives a speech
04 October 2018

Fifth Annual Cleveland LaborFest by the Labor Education & Arts Project
Friday, October 5 and 6
Cleveland Marshall College of Law and Cleveland Public Library
Commemorate labor and socialist activists Eugene Debs...

Young white people holding a big DSA sign marching
04 October 2018

On Thursday October 5th from 5:00-7:00 PM, ISO Columbus held a rally and speak out in front of the OSU Thompson Statue to condemn the recent Kavanaughnomination & stand in solidarity with all survivors of rape and sexual assault....

Cartoon of lots of bags with dollar signs on them
04 October 2018

To remedy a broken campaign finance system, the 2016 Democratic Party Platform advocates a number of reforms, including ending “secret, unaccountable money in politics by requiring . . . significantly more disclosure and transparency...


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