Monday, October 8, 6-10pm
Woodlands Tavern, 1200 W. Third
Honorees include: Free Press “Libby” Award for Community Activism: Sandy Bolzenius, Free Press Artist Award: Malcolm J., Free Press Volunteer Award: Steve Caruso,...
Live Stream Broadcast Saturday, October 6, 3:00-6:00pm eastern time
Featuring Bob Fitrakis, Mark Crispin Miller and Jonathan Simon
Was the 2016 election rigged for Trump? Will the 2018 midterms be rigged...
A Star Is Born has been made and remade so often, it must hit a chord with the American psyche. Either that, or it’s such a perfect star vehicle that Hollywood just can’t let it gather dust for long.
Whether it’s set in...
Fifth Annual Cleveland LaborFest by the Labor Education & Arts Project
Friday, October 5 and 6
Cleveland Marshall College of Law and Cleveland Public Library
Commemorate labor and socialist activists Eugene Debs...
On Thursday October 5th from 5:00-7:00 PM, ISO Columbus held a rally and speak out in front of the OSU Thompson Statue to condemn the recent Kavanaughnomination & stand in solidarity with all survivors of rape and sexual assault....
To remedy a broken campaign finance system, the 2016 Democratic Party Platform advocates a number of reforms, including ending “secret, unaccountable money in politics by requiring . . . significantly more disclosure and transparency...