Older gray haired white woman posing outside with four dark skinned young girls
21 October 2018

Monday, October 22, 2018, 7:00 PM
Peggy Gish will share from her summer’s work in the...

Youngish white woman with straight brown hair smiling at the camera
20 October 2018

I am Constance Gadell-Newton and I am running for Governor as the Green party candidate. I am running on a platform of clean water, with an immediate moratorium on fracking and injection wells in Ohio, a living wage, and single payer,...

People standing outside in front of weird looking rusty metal structures and the round yellow logo for Columbus Community Bill of Rights
20 October 2018

Sunday, October 21, 10am-4pm
Meet at Weiland's Market, 3600 Indianola Ave.
Join us and see what the dilapidated infrastructure looks like, where the oil & gas industry dumps millions of barrels of oil/gas waste "brine...

Round circle logo with thick blue outline  and words Seal of the Attorney General of Ohio and inside a sun, hill, river, corn bushel
20 October 2018

DeWine Dishonesty 1: During the second debate, DeWine ...

White man in a bandanna and yellow shirt yelling and holding a sign that reads Concentration Camps 4 Kids with lots of question marks
17 October 2018

From Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns:
The Trump administration has proposed...

Big brick building with rounded top and lots of people out front and words on it Nationwide Arena
15 October 2018

Wednesday, October 17, 11am
Studio 35, 3055 Indianola Ave.

This is a press conference to kick off a coalition, Advocates for Responsible Taxation (ART). ART is a coalition of community leaders and organizers.  ART is a...


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