Three comics and two records are being released by Nix Comics in September, 2018. All three comics will debut the week of Cartoon Crossroads Columbus (CXC), beginning with a release party at Used Kids Records Thursday,...
Friday, September 21, 2018, 7:00 - 11:30 PM
The Summit, 2210 Summit St, Columbus, OH...
A small group rallying at Columbus City Hall just prior to Monday, September 17th's Council meeting demanded justice for Donna Castleberry (Dalton. Local activist and preacher Gary Witte wrote: "Had the opportunity to stand with Donna...
The mantra goes: Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. It’s an incantation helping to bind second amendment enthusiasts in raucous indignation over what they see as a threat to their liberty – gun control. Its sentences...
Poverty is inexcusable when as many as 45-million Americans are classified at or below the federal poverty guidelines. The Poor People’s Campaign of Rev. William Barber says that 140,000,000 Americans of all colors and races are ‘poor...