Information about the event
21 September 2018

Three comics and two records are being released by Nix Comics in September, 2018. All three comics will debut the week of Cartoon Crossroads Columbus (CXC), beginning with a release party at Used Kids Records Thursday,...

Words Brake light clinic fundraiser show and details about the event with pictures of animals
20 September 2018

Friday, September 21, 2018, 7:00 - 11:30 PM
The Summit, 2210 Summit St, Columbus, OH...

Man with gray beard and sunglasses wearing a baseball cap holding a sign that says CPD out of control standing next to an older woman with gray hair pulled back in a ponytail looking down at the ground, very sad, wearing a white T-shirt with words "RIP Donna" on it and holding a sign with pictures of a young woman on it
19 September 2018

A small group rallying at Columbus City Hall just prior to Monday, September 17th's Council meeting demanded justice for Donna Castleberry (Dalton. Local activist and preacher Gary Witte wrote: "Had the opportunity to stand with Donna...

17 September 2018

The mantra goes: Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. It’s an incantation helping to bind second amendment enthusiasts in raucous indignation over what they see as a threat to their liberty – gun control. Its sentences...

White bottle on a shelf with word Roundup on it
17 September 2018

Poverty is inexcusable when as many as 45-million Americans are classified at or below the federal poverty guidelines. The Poor People’s Campaign of Rev. William Barber says that 140,000,000 Americans of all colors and races are ‘poor...


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