Photo of man with light brown curly hair and moustache and beard smiling in a suit
31 August 2018
If you like the early rock songs of 1957-63 and the memories they spark, please join me Friday August 31 for a fun “oldies but goodies” concert.  I’ll be doing hit songs made famous by the likes of Chubby Checker, Ricky Nelson, the Everly...
Black circle with white hand making peace sign with words Peace in the Streets
30 August 2018

Thursday, August 30, 6-7:15pm
Columbus Collegiate Academy, 300  Dana Ave., front of buildingCOMMUNITY JUSTICE RALLY - (PEACEFUL) 

* Kid Friendly - Community Gathering *


Black and white book cover with the words LBJ's 1968
29 August 2018

This year is the fiftieth anniversary of the many things that occurred in America’s most horrible year in the most tumultuous decade of the twentieth century. In some ways it’s an anniversary for me, too, because it marks when I became...

Big banner outside saying Capitalism Isn't Working Another World is Possible
29 August 2018

Thursday, August 30, 7-8:30pm
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, 30 West Woodruff
War, poverty, exploitation and oppression are all products of the capitalist system, a system in which a minority ruling class profits from the...

Line drawing of a horse
25 August 2018

Saturday-Sunday, August 25-26
Various locations
Facebook event

Founded in 2017, the Midwest Queer Comedy Festival is dedicated to highlighting diverse talent and...

Green leaf and a fork and knife and words Columbus Vegfest
25 August 2018

Don't miss the Third Annual Columbus Vegfest today, Saturday, August 25, 10am-5pm at the Whetstone Community Center, 3923 North High Street, Clintonville. There is free admission, free parking and it is adjacent to the Park of Roses. ...


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