The lands west of downtown Columbus have only had one robust economy since mayor George Meeker first annexed Franklinton and a couple square miles up Sullivant's Hill in 1870. Meeker also renamed Sullivant's Hill (where...
Today, members of a newly formed citizens coalition entitled A.R.T. (Advocates for Responsible Taxation) announced its opposition to the proposed 7% ticket tax in the city of Columbus. ...
CHILLICOTHE, OHIO: On August 8th, the Fourth District Court of Appeals dismissed the Athens County Bill of Rights Committee’s (ACBORC) appeal to place their rights-based county charter initiative on the ballot. Athens County...
On Tuesday, August 14, Imam Hasan went before the Serious Misconduct Panel (SMP) for allegedly leading a riot, workstoppage, and other unauthorized business through the phones.
As he expected, the fix was in at the SMP and he was...
Columbus “Vice” Squad in Action: Somehow the Columbus Police missed evidence over the years that their chief spokesperson was into kiddie porn, but they did manage to put together a major sting operation to arrest...