Man behind bars in drawing holding a hankerchief to his face
31 July 2018

The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections is targeting Siddique Abdullah Hasan again for organizing.

Please call in to support him every day this week, and share this FB event or this email widely to back Hasan. ...
Words Ohioans for Gun Safety
30 July 2018

Local gun safety group, Ohioans for Gun Safety is seeking to pass ballot initiative for common-sense background checks on gun sales in Ohio.

Ohioans for Gun Safety, a grassroots non-partisan advocacy group, is working to close...

Words Ohioans for Gun Safety
30 July 2018

Local gun safety group, Ohioans for Gun Safety is seeking to pass ballot initiative for common-sense background checks on gun sales in Ohio.

Ohioans for Gun Safety, a grassroots non-partisan advocacy group, is working to close...

A cityscape against a horizon with sunrays shooting from the ground to a blue sky on right and fiery sky on left with the fore ground at right green grass and at left cracked and dry
30 July 2018

Jobs or the environment? That's the tragic dilemma in which the powers that be seek to trap the global working class forever, convincing us that we cannot have both. We desperately need to find a way out of this dilemma . . . before the...

Young Latina woman with blonde hair and black clothes sitting on a pew in a church with stained glass windows behind her
30 July 2018

Thurs, Aug 2, 12-1pm
471 E. Broad St.
Edith is a Columbus mother who has been living in sanctuary since September 5th, 2017. Edith has previously discussed her case with Rep. Beatty, only to be told that the congresswoman...


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