
White image of a round circle with an oval around it and blue in the background
03 October 2017

For the first time in 12 years (or longer, if you’ve forgotten Enterprise existed), there’s a new Star Trek series. Set about a decade before the original series, Star Trek: Discovery follows a Black woman captain (...

Extreme close up of white man with gray hair talking out the side of his mouth
03 October 2017

Politicians reversing themselves on key policy positions is often portrayed as weakness. Governor John Kasich has surprised both Republicans and Democrats by taking principled positions that...

Drawing of a ribbon that is purple and orange and words Remember Rainbow Farm
03 October 2017

My dad slumbered quietly as the Twin Towers fell sixteen years ago. He stirred and murmured, “What’s that?” I replied, “Nothing Daddy,” even though my eyes glued to the TV in disbelief. In that moment, I was glad Alzheimer’s had stolen...

Magazine cover with word TIME at the top and football player in red and gold jersey kneeling and facing the camera and words about him - Colin Kapernick
03 October 2017

Well, our President in Twitter Chief, Donald Trump, has once again trumped his own self.  This time he’s taking on the rights of athletes to protest the injustices inflicted on people of color in America during NFL games. Our Twitter...

Man in white shirt talking into a mic at the far left side and a congregation of people sitting in pews and three stained glass windows in the back
03 October 2017

Free Press Hero

The Free Press honors the anonymous man who bravely trained his cell phone camera on Timothy Davis during his horrendous beating at the hands of the Columbus...

Football player wearing red white and blue football uniform kneeling on field
03 October 2017

Well, our President in Twitter Chief, Donald Trump, has once again trumped his own self.  This time he’s taking on the rights of athletes to protest the injustices inflicted on people of color in America during NFL games. Our Twitter...


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