
Bald white man with little wire-rimmed glasses talking at a mic on a table, wearing a white shirt and gesturing with his left hand
12 October 2017

COLUMBUS, OHIO – Joe Motil, 32 year community activist and Write-In candidate for Columbus City Council is continuing to push forward on his development of city legislation requiring all new apartment projects to...

Black man lying in hospital bed with red blotches all over his face with a breathing machine and neck brace
12 October 2017

OCTOBER 12, 2017 – COLUMBUS, OHIO: The Estate of Jaron Ben-Rasu Thomas has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the Columbus Division of Police. The lawsuit brings civil rights, wrongful death, survivor and loss of consortium claims....

Blue silhouette of the state of Ohio with green tree to the left and words in white Keep Wayne Wild
11 October 2017

This December, the Bureau of Land Management plans to auction off more of Wayne National Forest to gas and oil companies for unconventional fracking, putting public land, wildlife habitat, and the air and...

Yellow background with words "Don't Talk to Cops without a lawyer"
09 October 2017
Tuesday, October 10, 7-8pm

Northwood-High building, 2231 N. High St., if parking in rear park in "R" spots only
At 7:00pm, come hear a presentation by Don Shartzer, criminal defense attorney speaking on: "Don't Talk to the Cops...

Orange background with words CROP HUNGER WALK in blue
07 October 2017

Sunday, October 8, 12:30pm [registration], 12:30pm [send-off rally]; Scioto Audubon Metro Park [Maier Place Pavilion] 400 W. Whittier St.

The 39th Annual Columbus CROP Hunger Walk has open registration from 12:30pm to 2pm. Come...


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