Body builder with no shirt on in a wheelchair, words saying It could have been my excuse but it became my victory
27 February 2016

Nick Scott takes I’ll be back, one of the greatest movie quotes of all time, to a mind-bending level of inspiration.


At 16 he was in a car accident that paralyzed him from the waist down. He became borderline suicidal....

Amy gesturing with both hands at a podium
26 February 2016
In a conversation with former Ohio State Senator Nina Turner, Amy brought Harvey in to talk about an article written with David Swanson and Bob Fitrakis on the need to cut military spending. After this, she talked with Harvey about the...
21 February 2016

Bernie Sanders' common sense proposals for dealing with universal health care, college tuition, restoring the infrastructure, confronting poverty and more have encountered predictable scorn from "fiscally responsible" corporatists....

Jesse Owens on a field
18 February 2016

Speaking to a reporter before a screening of Race at OSU’s Mershon Auditorium, one of Jesse Owens’s daughters said several changes were made to the script for the sake of historical accuracy.

That’s nice to hear. The...

Spiderman lounging
15 February 2016

Fans of Deadpool-the-character are an odd mix of fratbros and social justice types. He's a violent antihero mercenary straight from the Xtreme days of early 90s comics whose repartee tends toward adolescent humor, but he's also a...


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