27 October 2015

Community Shares was established in 1993 by a group of nonprofits for the purpose of fundraising on their behalf through workplace giving campaigns. Through these campaigns, each individual donor gets to decide which charity...

27 October 2015

Last month, The Free Press reported on how the Ginther Express was losing its steam. As events have unfolded, the Ginther train has left the tracks and is doing nothing but damage to those around it. The first casualty is...

People rallying at the stateouse wearing pink shirts
27 October 2015

The young woman hands me a hot pink tee shirt and a clipboard. “Please sign your support for funding Planned Parenthood.” She smiles broadly and continues, “I’m testifying tomorrow!” Chelsea Golferman was referring to the Ohio...

26 October 2015

New map shows most states would be corridors for high-risk, high-level radioactive waste shipments

Expert Tele-Briefing 2 pm (Eastern), Tues., Oct. 27 (See end of press...

Photo of Rick Kirk
26 October 2015

Just who in the heck is Rick Kirk?
  If Issue 3 indeed becomes law, and you reside in Franklin County and a marijuana user, Kirk is going to be growing your legal green, selling you your legal green, and taking your...

Bob Fitrakis at the awards dinner
21 October 2015

   The Free Press celerated 45 years  with over 100 supporters on October 19 at the Florentine Restaurant. Six local activists were honored at the dinner in a lively ceremony emceed by Editor Bob Fitrakis filled with positive messages...


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