Artistic colorful logo
27 October 2015

The Columbus Coalition of Reason (Columbus CoR) is hosting their fourth annual “Flying Spaghetti Monster Benefit Dinner,” featuring -what else - a delicious spaghetti dinner with vegetarian, gluten-free and take-out options. The event...

Photos of black actresses
27 October 2015

There are those who believe that African American women have “come a long way baby” in regards to the world of movies and television. It appears that they have evolved from being just maids and cooks on film.  They no longer...

Woman speaking at podium outside at press conference
27 October 2015

A bipartisan group of Columbus residents, led by Whitney Scott, unveiled citizens’ latest effort to reform Columbus City Council. The group, Represent Columbus, seeks to move Columbus City Council from its current setup with...

Hand holding marijuana plant
27 October 2015

What does Issue 3 say?
  It is understandable that people want concrete answers concerning what will happen if Issue 3 passes. To help clear up a few misconceptions concerning ResponsibleOhio’s ballot language – assuage...

27 October 2015

Why did the press (The Columbus Dispatch) agree to meet the press on Sept. 26 at a forum sponsored by the Columbus Metropolitan Club?
  The answer was obvious to those of us in attendance. It was all about doing public...

Voting box
27 October 2015

When you are lazy, ignorant and not willing to do research – accuse your more-informed opponents of being “conspiracy theorists.” A recent Columbus Dispatch editorial utilized this technique in its defense of Ohio’s antiquated...


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