Details about event

Sunday, October 18, 2020, 3:00 PM
AJP is proud to co-sponsor the Donkeysaddle Projects U.S. premiere of their new documentary film, There Is A Field, followed by a discussion with guest panelists, including Baraa Aslih (brother of Asel), Gwen Carr (mother of Eric Garner), Margaret Kwateng (activist featured in the film), Jen Marlowe (filmmaker), Raya Naamneh (Asel's cousin & activist), moderated by Nadia Ben-Youssef of the Center for Constitutional Rights.  In October 2000, a police officer shot and killed unarmed 17-year old Asel Asleh. His story is tragically familiar for Americans, but Asel was not killed in Ferguson, New York City, Atlanta, or Minneapolis. Asel was a Palestinian teenager who was murdered by Israeli police as he participated in a demonstration, calling for an end to the Israeli occupation and settler-colonization.  More information and registration here.