Billboard that says Stop Tax Abatements with Joe Motil's face

Thursday, November 19, 7-8pm, this event will be occurring via Zoom

Facebook Event

Why and to whom are tax incentives given and who is benefiting from them? This month’s Move to Amend Central Ohio virtual presentation will explore the quid pro quo of campaign contributions from developers, the Columbus Partnership, and other corporations in Columbus that in return receive tax abatements and city income tax exemptions. This presentation will also consider the adverse impacts of such agreements on affordable housing, educational opportunities, and efforts to fight poverty. Our guest presenter will be Joe Motil, a longtime Columbus resident and activist who is a leading expert on tax abatements in Columbus.

Join the Zoom meeting by clicking this link.

Contact: Sandy Bolzenius, or 614-843-6170

Hosted by Move to Amend Central Ohio.