Faith, Community Leaders Submit Applications for Stays of Deportation in Support of Edith Espinal and Miriam Vargas
On Thursday, January 21st at 11 a.m., faith and community leaders will stand in solidarity with immigrant mothers, Edith Espinal and Miriam Vargas, who are submitting updated applications for stays of deportation to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) field office in Columbus.
Following a press conference, one ally will enter the ICE office to submit the applications on behalf of Espinal and Vargas.
WHAT: Press conference and submission of applications
WHEN: Thursday, January 21st at 11 a.m.
WHERE: ICE Field Office 50 W. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43215
WHO: Edith Espinal, in sanctuary at Columbus Mennonite Church since October 2017 Miriam Vargas, in sanctuary at First English Lutheran Church since July 2018
Shannon Hardin, Columbus City Council
Rev. Joel Miller, Columbus Mennonite Church
Rev. Sally Padgett, First English Lutheran Church
Morgan Harper, Columbus Stand Up!
Tim Chavez, Member of Citizen Miriam Volunteer Team
### Faith in Public Life is a national network of over 50,000 clergy and faith leaders united in the prophetic pursuit of justice and the common good.Columbus
Speaking Of Democracy...Citizens United v. the FEC: Its History And Its Consequences
Thursday, January 21, 2021, 7:00 - 8:00 PM
On January 21, 2010, the Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. the Federal Election Commission (FEC) ruling unleashed a tidal wave of election spending that cleared the way for the sale of American democracy to the highest bidder. On the eleventh anniversary of this disastrous decision, Move to Amend’s Greg Coleridge will lay out the historical precedents behind the Citizens United v. FEC ruling, the consequences, AND the only proposed amendment that would reverse them all! Guest speaker: Greg Coleridge. Free and open to all. Register in advance for the zoom meeting here. Sponsor: Move to Amend, Central Ohio. Contact: Sandy at
DSA Education Session - Special Education Session on Redistricting
Thursday, January 21, 7:00.
We’ll be hosting guest expert Katy Shanahan from All On The Line. Learn about the importance of fair & competitive maps, how our redistricting process works and what you can do to help win fair representation in congress. Click here to register!