
Details about event

The Free Press Cyber-Salon was Saturday, Sept. 11. 

Link to salon video

Free PressBoard member Mark Stansbery started the salon with a reflection on 9/11, since the salon was taking place on the evening of September 11, 2021 – the 20-year anniversary of the event.

Dr. Marilyn Howard spoke next to promote the publication of the book A History of Hate in Ohio: Then and Now. She wrote the introduction to the book, co-authored by Free Press Editor Bob Fitrakis and Michael Brooks. The book is available here and if you use the promo code HISTORY, there’s a discount. Marilyn recently participated in a public talk about the book.

Next, Don Bryant of Cleveland Peace Action promoted the upcoming September 14 (7pn) virtual event, “War, Peace & Propaganda: The USA and the Middle East” with the speaker Oliver Boyd-Barrett who is speaking later at the salon. Event registration.

The next speakers were Daoud Al Akras and Angelina Atieh of OSU Students for Justice in Palestine, relaying the surveillance tactics that threaten and harass Muslim people from 9/11 to today. They also discussed the work OSU SPJ hopes to accomplish this year.

Sandy Bolzenius reflected on her 20 years a veteran, her experiences in foreign countries through her military service and travels – and how these informed her opinion about the reasons 9/11 happened in 2001.

Professor Oliver Boyd-Barrett gave us a very fascinating and thoughtful overview of the history of the region and events leading up to 9/11 and the unfortunate wars that followed – from the Afghanistan and Iraq debacles to Libya, Syria, Iran and currently the drumbeat to war with China.

Announcements included Hot Times, happening in Old Town East this weekend.

Cathy Cowan Baker brought us up-to-date on Simply Living events.

Sandy told us about the Move to Amend conference “The Great Constitutional Hijacking: The Fourteenth Amendment and Qualified Immunity” this month.

Mary Jane Borden talked about her recent article in the Free Press. Also, one she wrote in the past about 9/11: Remember the Rainbow Farm

Steve Caruso announced about the next Grassroots Emergency Election Protection event, Monday night.

Next Free Press Cyber-Salon is October 10.

The Free Press thanks Steve Caruso for being our technical guru for these cyber-salons.

Hope to see you at the next one!

Pete Johnson
President, Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism
Contact: 614-253-2571