Members of the Charter Review Commission
July 6, 2022
3 pm
City Hall Council Chambers
Last convened as a Commission in 2014, the Charter Review Commission reviews the Columbus City Charter and may recommend changes. The Charter, originally adopted by voters in 1914, outlines the fundamental rights, powers and responsibilities of the citizens and their elected municipal officials. Any amendments to the Charter would require a vote of Council and the approval of Columbus voters during a future election. The Commissioners met previously on June 22 to discuss further discuss proposals for civil service reforms in the Charter, pertaining to the hiring process and classifications of city employees. On July 6, Commissioners will discuss feedback from public comment hearings and hold a vote on a final set of recommendations to submit to City Council. Per Charter requirements, recommendations from the Commission are due to Council by July 10.
Residents wishing to attend this hearing in person may do so in Council Chambers within City Hall, and may wear a mask if they so choose. The meeting will also be streamed live on CTV, as well as on City of Columbus Facebook and YouTube. For more information about the 2022 Charter Review Commission, please visit Columbus.gov/charterreview2022. If you have any questions or wish to provide feedback on the commission’s work, email CRC2022@columbus.gov.