Articles by Author

Harvey Graff
20 February 2022

Chairwoman Walters:

The rump (as in Trump) of the unDemocratic Party of Ohio acted anti-democratically in endorsing Tim Ryan for U.S. Senate with...

Harvey Graff
16 February 2022

Historians know well that the past is always a battleground. It never stands by itself. History as practiced, studied, and taught is inescapably part of the...

Harvey Graff
14 February 2022

Both the United States and Canada experience unusually widespread struggles over their pasts. Today, the North American neighbors reveal both similarities...

Harvey Graff
07 February 2022

Today’s largely incoherent and distorted clashes over teaching about race—teaching the inclusive, factual history of the United States as opposed to a...

Harvey J Graff
30 January 2022

When New York Times opinion editor Kathleen Kingsbury published her...

Harvey Graff
27 January 2022

Am I the only Ohioan who has mixed reactions to the blasting news of the highly secretive and delayed announcement of Intel’s aspirational plans to build...
