Jason Leopold is an American investigative reporter known for his work at Truthout as a senior editor and reporter, He is currently working for Al Jazeera America as an investigative reporter. Leopold has written stories on BP, Enron, the California Energy Crisis, the Bush administration's torture polices, and the Plame affair. His pieces have been published in Asia Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, CBS MarketWatch, The Nation, and Utne.com Leopold has also written about foreign and domestic policy online for publications such as Alternet, CounterPunch, Common Dreams, Dissident Voice, The Huffington Post, Political Affairs Magazine, The Raw Story, Scoop, ZNet.

Articles by Author

20 August 2003
The California energy crisis should have been a warning to the White House. Opening up the electricity sector to competition may eventually provide consumers...
15 August 2003
Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't talking. The Hollywood action film star and California's GOP gubernatorial candidate in the state's recall election has been...
06 August 2003
Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, one of the main architects for the war in Iraq, admitted for the first time that Iraq had nothing to do with the...
28 July 2003
Last weekend, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz explained that the United States at times relied on "murky" intelligence in trying to link Iraq to...
25 July 2003
A half-dozen former CIA agents investigating prewar intelligence have found that a secret Pentagon committee, set up by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld...
16 July 2003
WASHINGTON, D.C--A Pentagon committee led by Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, advised President Bush to include a reference in his January...
