Jason Leopold is an American investigative reporter known for his work at Truthout as a senior editor and reporter, He is currently working for Al Jazeera America as an investigative reporter. Leopold has written stories on BP, Enron, the California Energy Crisis, the Bush administration's torture polices, and the Plame affair. His pieces have been published in Asia Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, CBS MarketWatch, The Nation, and Utne.com Leopold has also written about foreign and domestic policy online for publications such as Alternet, CounterPunch, Common Dreams, Dissident Voice, The Huffington Post, Political Affairs Magazine, The Raw Story, Scoop, ZNet.

Articles by Author

03 June 2003
Here's what we know so far about Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction: of the 600 or so sites identified by United States intelligence and Iraqi...
02 June 2003
Hey you! Tom Daschle. WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You've been taking Tylenol PM again haven't you? I knew it. I told you that stuff makes you groggy. Get your punk...
02 June 2003
While the hawks in the Bush administration attempt to justify the logic behind a preemptive strike against Iraq now that its become clear the country's alleged...
28 May 2003
Here we go again. While postwar Iraq continues to crumble, the Bush administration is now setting its sights on a new target—Iran—in its so-called effort to...
14 May 2003
Months before the United States military showered Iraq with bombs and missiles, the Department of Defense was secretly working with Vice President Dick Cheney’...
09 May 2003
Halliburton Corp., the second largest oil services company in world, is the poster child for corporate greed and terror. And it seems that nothing will stop...
