This workshop will help explain how different types of nonprofit organizations can work together while staying in compliance with the law.
Different types of organizations are increasingly collaborating on lobbying, voter engagement, and other advocacy activities, but they need to be aware of the rules governing organizations with different tax-exempt statuses. If your organization wants to engage in coalition work with multiple types of tax-exempt organizations, this workshop will help explain how different types of nonprofit organizations can work together while staying in compliance with the law.
Participants will learn:
• The different roles of 501(c)(3)s, 501(c)(4)s, unions, and political organizations;
• The federal tax rules affecting how these organizations can work together;
• The legal separations necessary between affiliated organizations, such as funding and fundraising constraints; and
• Permissible joint activities of different types of nonprofits, including election-year activities.
RSVP for this event by using this link.
Hosted by Ohio Voice.