Monday, May 4, 2020. Remembering Kent State. May 4th is the 50th Anniversary of the shootings at Kent State University. Across Ohio we will be remembering, from home, May 4th, 1970, when Ohio Governor Rhodes called out the National Guard who fired into unarmed Anti-Vietnam War protesters killing 4 and wounding 9. Daytonians for Peace asks you join in 4 minutes of silence at noon to remember Kent State and Jackson State and all the victims of our unjust wars. Please join online in the many efforts to end our current wars. We need to build a massive peace movement to stand up to Trump and the WAR Machine.
50th Virtual Commemoration — May 4 at 12 pm EST
This activity will replace the previously scheduled "in person" 50th commemoration. The commemorations always remember the murder of two Black youth during a protest at Jackson State University
Bernardine Dohrn: Looking Back, Leaning Forward — May 4 at 2 pm EST
Live on Facebook:
Live on Youtube:
This will be a conversation between Bernardine Dohrn, leader of national Students for a Democratic Society and the Weather Underground in the 1960's and 70's and current Kent State student activists
Monday, May 4, 2020, 7:00 PM. Kent State Massacre & the Global Fight for Socialist Revolution. An International Online Commemoration. On May 4, 1970, National Guardsmen opened fire on unarmed antiwar protesters at Kent State University in Ohio, killing four students and wounding nine others. Within days there was further bloodshed with six dead in Augusta. GA, and two dead at Jackson State University in Mississippi, sparking a national student strike involving millions of students. May 4, 2020 is also the anniversary of the Haymarket events of 1886. The subsequent frameup and execution of anarchist and labor activists led to the birth of May Day. May 1 is the International Workers Holiday founded to fight for the 8-hour day, improved working conditions and an end to imperialist war. Join us May 4 in a revolutionary tribute to our martyrs, with an online, international memorial of opposition to imperialist wars, occupations, sanctions and austerity drives directed against the working class. Facebook.
Monday, May 4, 2020, 8:00 PM. Code Pink: Divest from the War Machine Series. Addressing Divestment Myths/Organizing in the Time of Coronavirus: Now that our society faces an uncertain future and economic downturn, how can we continue to push for divestment from the war machine? Organizing for Divestment in the time of Coronavirus will explore how to respond to common arguments about divestment and profitability and how our campaigns can benefit from incorporating a divest/invest framework. We’ll be joined by: CODEPINK’s Co-Director Jodie Evans, who will discuss how we can utilize this moment to organize local peace economies, and Roberta Giodarno, the finance campaigner from Sunrise Movement. Register here.