Details about event

Ohio Immigrant Alliance is helping to host a community conversation for the grassroots, advocates, and policymakers on February 20 from 12-1:30pm ET, to share how we can advance a more humanizing immigration narrative in Ohio, during a difficult time for everyone.

Hear from Houleye Thiam of the Mauritanian Network for Human Rights; Viles Dorsainvil of the Haitian Community Help & Support Center; Jona Hilario of OPAWL - Building AAPI Feminist Leadership; and Lynn Tramonte of the Ohio Immigrant Alliance about what we know from public opinion research; how immigrants say they want to be seen in the media; and how content creators can help ensure a broader picture comes into focus. The discussion will be moderated by Ohio Voice.

Register to receive the Zoom information here.

You will leave this webinar with a better understanding about public opinion on immigration, how the current narrative often dehumanizes immigrants, and how it should change — from the perspective of immigrant leaders. You will also be take away key points you can raise in media interviews and letters to the editor, social media posts, and conversations with elected officials — and around the dinner table. 

Sign the petition to tell local officials that #OhioStandsWithImmigrants. Click here if you are an individual and here if you are authorized to add your organization as an endorser.