People standing in front of the White House

Hopes for a robust COVID bill remain stalled, with neither side talking right now. While Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell did say on November 4 that COVID relief was his top priority, he is not at the negotiating table. The situation is dire.  Millions of renters face eviction in January when the weather is cold and the pandemic is still raging. Families are struggling to put food on the table. And 11 million people remain unemployed with businesses beginning to shut down again. Congress, particularly the Senate, needs to stop telling Americans "you're on your own" and do something. Join advocates from across the country today for a national call-in day to demand Congress take action. Call your senators and representative and tell them to pass a robust COVID relief bill that includes rental and nutrition assistance. To make sure Congress gets the message, we need to generate as many calls as possible. Please forward this alert to everyone you know urging them to call too. Help us to overwhelm Congress with calls and push them into action on what Americans need now. Click here for a call script and phone numbers