Last week Mayor Ginther announced a list of 34 candidates for the next chief for the Columbus Division of Police. This week, we learned that 9 top candidates for chief have been chosen. Interviews began yesterday. Ginther has said that the new chief would be hired from outside CPD.
Join us in calling Mayor Ginther to bring in an anti-racist Chief of Police for Columbus.
We have seen the culture of excessive force and racial inequity inside the Columbus Division of Police. As people of faith, we understand that it is time for transformation. We need a chief of police who is anti-racist, one who has earned the trust of the community, someone who can ensure transformation and who has no current or former ties to Columbus Division of Police. Â
Will you join us in calling Mayor Ginther today?
Let him know that the community is expecting him to do what is just and keep his word about making the new police chief an outside hire, one who is anti-racist and has proven ability with building trust in the community.