Details about event

Sep 28 at 6 PM – Oct 1 at 8 PM

The Ohio Women's Alliance, in partnership with the Ohio Women's Alliance Action Fund, presents deVOTEd 2020, our inaugural summit series! Our deVOTEd theme honors the continual commitment and passion womxn have for strengthening our communities and restoring democracy. Being deVOTEd means showing up to the polls (by mail or in person), challenging friends and families to do the same, and sharing our commitments to vote out loud to inspire others to take action. Amid a global pandemic, racial justice uprisings in the face of state-sanctioned violence, and impending critical elections, womxn of color continue to lead and deVOTE their time to fight for equity despite the disproportionate impact all of these elements have on their daily lives. Our summit will center and honor their hard work, labor, and expertise. deVOTEd 2020 will be held virtually from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm on four consecutive nights from Monday, September 28th through Thursday, October 1st. The week-long town hall-style discussions will center Reproductive Justice (Day 1), Restoring Democracy (Day 2), and Youth Movement-Building (Day 3), and will conclude with a collective "Story of Us" visioning session (Day 4). You don't want to miss inspiring speakers, panelists, singers, poets, and more during our digital retreat. Reserve your spot to be deVOTEd to collective liberation and share our Facebook event with your friends! **The first 20 people who register for all four sessions will receive FREE deVOTEd swag!** Schedule of Events: - Monday, September 28th, 2020: Reproductive Justice: A Framework for Liberation: This panel will center reproductive justice for Womxn of Color and the pivotal framework it plays in all issues such as abolition, environmental justice, disability justice, and more. We will have leaders from across Ohio who are already working through an intersectional lens in their organizing and volunteer work centers reproductive justice to liberation for women & femmes of color. - Tuesday, September 29th, 2020: Who Owns Democracy and Who Propels it Forward: This will be a townhall unpacking the true history of how women of color have always fought to build and protect democracy, often without benefiting from our work. In this town hall, we are centering women & femmes of color leaders from across Ohio and their work on protecting democracy on a state and national level. Often, women & femmes of color fail to see democracy as something we own and nurture due to our multiple identities and nuanced oppression. At the same time, many benefit from the freedoms created and maintained by women & femmes of Color in America. We will foster the sense of ownership in the "story of us" for our members and also discuss ranked-choice Voting and redistricting as current ways WOC are pushing democracy forward. - Wednesday, September 30th, 2020: Youth-Led Movement Building: The New Ohio Majority: The third town hall will center the youth lead movement work in Ohio that is pushing toward a New Ohio Majority. There will be a panel and discussion with Gen Z women & femmes leaders from across Ohio and how they use social media to leverage change within their communities. - Thursday, October 1st, 2020: The Story of Us: Our Collective Vision: This will be the closing town hall after a week of coming together, learning the work of Womxn and Femmes from around the state. We will gather in developing a collective story of us, what we hope to accomplish, and what challenges we might face achieving our collective vision for a more inclusive Ohio, country, and democracy overall.   Registration is FREE for this virtual event. Please register ASAP and reserve your spot for the 2020 deVOTEd Virtual Summit Series here: