Skull with radioactive symbols for eyes and the word NO

Thursday, May 7, 2020, 7:00 PM
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), in an outrageously-timed proposed rule, wants to give the nuclear industry options that would result in the deregulation of large amounts of radioactive wastes from nuclear power plants and other facilities, and would allow burial of these wastes in municipal and hazardous waste landfills, without essential and rigorous protections for the American people or the environment. If approved, this reckless move would quickly spread radioactive wastes throughout American communities - some of it for literally forever - and would set precedent for deregulation of far greater amounts of these most dangerous wastes. Don't let the nuclear industry poison our communities! Learn more! Help stop this unwarranted and irresponsible scheme to deregulate radioactive wastes!  Join Zoom Meeting by computer here.  Meeting ID: 782 1553. Password: glea.  Or by phone find your local number: