Remember Rep. Jean Schmidt's terrible abortion ban bill? They're still moving it forward.
The Ohio House Government Oversight Committee has scheduled the second hearing on House Bill 598, the abortion "trigger" ban. Why do we call it a trigger ban? Because it will ban all abortions in Ohio, but it won't go into effect right away, it has to be triggered by certain conditions, those include the U.S. Supreme Court overturning the Roe v. Wade decision.
Tell your state legislators to vote NO on Abortion Bans!
People all over the country are still stunned that Rep. Jean Schmidt said pregnancies resulting from rape are "an opportunity." Her legislation is dangerous and if passed would result in the criminal prosecution of medical professionals in Ohio just for providing essential health care services. There are no exceptions in this bill — NONE — not for rape, incest, or to protect the health, or save the life of the patient.
This bill has matching companion legislation introduced as Senate Bill 123. Eventually the head of the Republican caucuses will select one of these bills to move forward, so our new advocacy tool contacts both of your state senator and representative about both bills. Go to to take action and share the link on social media, too.
Ohioans need quality, affordable abortion care in their local communities, without stigma, judgment or delay. Abortion is safe and legal in Ohio and it must stay that way.
Follow us at @ProChoiceOH on Twitter for real time updates from the hearing room on Thursday morning at 9 a.m.
Make sure your senator and representative know you oppose trigger bans on abortion.