Round yellow logo with words Yes Columbus Community Bill of Rights and a fracking well in background




12:00 NOON



65 S Front St., Columbus, OH  43215


The Columbus Community Bill of Rights supporters will give a Press Conference to update all interested media where this landmark city ordinance initiative stands with the Ohio Supreme Court, and emphatically draw a line:  We can no longer default to the powers-that-be, if they fail to honor our democratic process and our inalienable right to protect our community.  Currently the court has a motion to reconsider their September 14, 2018 decision to keep the people’s initiative off the ballot based on a decision from a federal judge on September 19 to allow two unrelated initiatives on the November ballot. 


After two months of finagling, delay tactics, illegitimate protocol and legal maneuverings to attempt to keep the Columbus Community Bill of Rights (CCBOR) citizen initiated ordinance off the November ballot, supporters will confront the Ohio Supreme Court Justices who will decide the fate of our Community.  The supporters will urge them to honor the 12,100 registered Columbus voters who signed the petition for their right to vote on this initiative.


“The Ohio Constitution gives citizens the right to initiate law and the right to direct democracy, and we (CCBOR) have honored the stringent requirements to get the Columbus Community Bill of Rights on the ballot.  Now we hold the Supreme Court responsible to honor our Rights.” states Sandy Bolzenius, a Columbus author and voter.


“I’m in this for my Grandchildren.  Who will speak for them?”  offers Karyn Deibel, a Columbus business owner and voter.


“We can’t afford to allow radioactive, toxic Frack Waste to be dumped into the Columbus Watershed.  The State agency, ODNR gets their funding from Fracking and Frack Waste Injection Well permits.  Do you think, they are looking out for our most vulnerable?” offers Carolyn Harding, a Bexley resident who volunteers for the campaign.  “This doesn’t just affect Columbus residents.  My community, my parent’s community, your community, 19+ Columbus Metro communities buy our water from Columbus.  This city ordinance will give the People a Voice and Vote in what comes and goes into our community.”


“I see no point in working to gain Healthcare for All Ohioans (Medicare for All), if contamination to water, air and soil by toxic and radioactive waste in our city and state, will increase leukemia and cancer rates dramatically for us, our children and grandchildren.” states, Bob Krasen, Columbus resident and voter.


Will Perkins a retired union member and Columbus voter states, “This group is not going anywhere.  No Board of Elections or Supreme Court of Ohio is going to scare us away.  Giving up on the environmental safety of Central Ohio is not an option.  We’re in this to Win!  Not Another Flint!”