Details about event

Friday, July 31, 4-6pm

On July 31st, SURJ will join a group of concerned Columbus residents in demanding the firing of Police Chief Quinlan. In the past weeks, Columbus residents have continued to wake up to the many arms of police state and state repression. From advocating for qualified immunity to prohibiting Civilian Review Boards in their union contracts, and so much more, it is clear to the community that The Columbus Division of Police and The Fraternal Order of Police have worked at every corner to sidestep the harm done to marginalized people in this city. #FireChiefQuinlan Date and time: 7/31/2020 @ 4-6 PM
Location: Fraternal Order of Police building (222 East Town)
Bring a mask and buddy. More than ever for people that call themselves white accomplices or allies, this is your chance to show up and help protect black and brown people in attendance. IMAGE DESCRIPTION A graphic of a police hat with a “X” graphic over up stretched protestor hands. Text reads “Protect To Fire Chief Quinlin. Save The Date. July 31st 4 to 6 PM. Central Columbus - Location TBA. Bring your noisemakers, instruments, and comrades.”