Older white people in yellow shirts holding signs that say Stop Separating Families

Wednesday, June 20, 11am-1pm
LeVeque Tower, 50 W. Broad Street, Columbus, OH 
Why:  Because separating families is inhumane and immoral and we cannot be silent and complicit. Our government has instituted a policy of separating children from their parents at our borders.  This is inhumane and immoral and calls for action NOW!

One day each week for the past two weeks, First UU Columbus members have held a Solidarity Table outside the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office in downtown Columbus at the Leveque Tower, offering moral support, cookies, water, and Know Your Rights information.  We will be back, again, this Wednesday, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. We are in public space on the sidewalk in front of the Tower (ICE's office is on the 4th Floor).  This week we are adding a rally.    Please join us for the Rally to Keep Families Together, as we protest ICE, as well as Senator Portman's office, just across the street.  Make your signs, invite one and all, and rally with us!  Families with children are most welcome.