I put on my McDonald's uniform to work during the pandemic last year — because if I didn't, I couldn't afford to eat. I worried every day: was today the day a customer or coworker would get me sick?
A lot of people are acting like COVID is over. It's not.
If this new variant does get me sick, I won't get sick leave. McDonald's and plenty of corporations like it expect me to come in, snowstorm or shine, sick or not, or I don't get paid. It's dangerous, it's irresponsible, and it's just wrong.
ALL workers deserve paid sick leave, full stop. Agree? Sign the petition now. SIGN NOW
I'm exhausted. It's not enough that McDonald's still pays me a poverty wage but I still have to come into work sick or I won't get paid — and they even lobbied the Trump administration to keep workers from having paid sick leave nationwide!
Bottom line: corporations care more about their bottom line than their workers' lives.
I'm tired of risking my life for low wages. I'm tired of being treated like I'm disposable. I'm tired of the disrespect.
It’s past time for everyone to have paid sick leave so we can take care of ourselves, not our boss’s bottom line.
In solidarity,
Patricia Moseley
Michigan McDonald’s Worker
Fight for $15 and a Union