
Sandwiches with lots of green inside

TRISM, a fresh, new concept by the Growing Collective, located in the South Campus Gateway, much like their Alchemy concept, also happens to be one of the most healthy, nutrient dense, vegan friendly establishments to open recently. They have also honed in on a particularly unusual item (what??? a vegan poptart, no-bake bites and superfood gluten-free vegan donuts?!?!?) amidst their healthier fresh smoothies and smoothie bowl options that are currently available. Trism’s to-go utensils and packaging products are also environmentally low-impact. 

The vegan community had an exciting opportunity to educate and empower everyone for a socially just future with VeganShift and the Columbus Vegan Meetup’s 5th Annual 300 Vegans 4 Independence campaign in the Columbus Doo Dah Parade on July 4. Vegan Outreach is also introducing a Vegan Mac Down on Saturday, July 15th, and we are hosting a bon-fire, volleyball, and potluck on July 22. Check out the Columbus Vegan Meetup group for more details on getting connected to the vegan community.  

If you want to purchase a Vegan shirt, they can be found in our store at:

Location: 1636 North High St., Columbus, Ohio 43210
Open: Everyday 9am - 8pm