Latina woman looking down at a red rose in our hand

On Valentine’s Day, Edith will have been in sanctuary for 500 days. At Edith's request, Solidarity with Edith Espinal, the Central Ohio Worker Center, and Columbus Mennonite Church have created a campaign to raise awareness and resources for Edith's ongoing fight to stay in the US legally. The campaign launches Monday, February 11 and runs through the end of the day February 14. Please share Edith's story on social media by using the resources at, and following Edith on Facebook (@SolidarityWithEdith), Twitter (@LetEdithStay), and Instagram (@SolidarityWithEdith). Text "Edith" to 44-321 to give to Edith's campaign.  Edith wanted us to pass this message along: (Sp.) Gracias por sus donaciones en este día del amor al ser humano. Para mi es importante tener su apoyo como comunidad. (Eng.) Thank you for your donations on this day of love for humanity. For me your support as a community is very important.