Friday November 23, 2018, 7:30 – 9:00 PM
Bill Cohen sings a unique concert of folk and popular songs that express gratitude for all that we have: friends, family, freedom, art, music, nature, and more. Clues to the song list — John Denver, Louis Armstrong, Johnny Appleseed, Phil Ochs, The Golden Girls, Don McLean, Peter Paul and Mary, and others. $10 Suggested donation (any contribution is welcome). Proceeds will go to help my wife Randi make her annual winter trek to the Dominican Republic. That’s where she serves as a volunteer translator for the International Medical Alliance of Tennessee, a team of doctors and nurses who provide free basic medical care to impoverished Haitian workers who live and work just inside the D.R. border.
Location: Maynard Ave Methodist Church, 2350 Indianola Ave, Columbus 43202.
For more info, contact Bill at (614) 263-3851 or