Wednesday, November 28, 2018, 2:30 PM (after session)
All testimony must be sent to Chairman Bacon by Tuesday, November 27 at 1:30, e-mail to Senator Bacon Phone: 614-466-8064. The witness form must accompany your testimony and can be requested from Senator Bacon’s office. This form is also on the Buckeye Environmental Network web page under resource, . You will also find testimony from those that testified against SB 250, we encourage everyone to read these. You can also find some talking point on the Buckeye Environmental Network web page and also on Athens County Fracking Action network Facebook pages and Please consider submitting written testimony even if you are not able to attend the hearing. Even if you only have time to submit one or two sentences, all comments count. We still need people to show up even if they are not testifying. With the great turn out we had last time I would venture to guess that industry will have people there for this hearing. Location: Ohio Statehouse, North Hearing Room. Also, please read this petition and sign at