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Saturday, December 28, 2019, 9:30 – 12:30 AM
Come join UUJO, the Columbus Poor People's Campaign, members of Bethel AME and others as we learn about the realities of Voter Suppression in Ohio and how to become a Voter Advocate for 2020. The training will be facilitated by Rev Susan Smith, Crazy Faith Ministries, and Rev Joan VanBecelaere, UUJO. We will learn about how to help people register to vote in Ohio, and how to easily check the voter registration roles to make sure our family and neighbors have not been purged.  And learn how to form a team in your congregation or neighborhood to help register others. We will have materials and Voter Advocacy tool kits available. Questions: contact Rev Joan VanBecelaere, Location:  Bethel AME Church, 2021 Cleveland Ave, Columbus, OH 43211.