Travis Irvine

Here’s what happened at the November Free Press Second Saturday Cyber-Salon on November 13.

Watch the salon video here

Free Press Board member Mark Stansbery kicked the salon off by showing a map of Africa and how the US has exploited it. See image below. 

Mark also gave a tribute to Free Press volunteer from the 70s, Sue Urbas. See image below.

He then played a great music video about unions, called Hold the Line (scroll down page to see video).

Travis Irvine  wrote a recent article on HB 6 for the Free Press and spoke first explaining the news about corruption in Ohio surrounding House Bill 6, the nuke bailout, including the Public Utilities Commission. He also mentioned Ohio Senate Bill 117 and House Bill 351 that are related to the HB 6 issue. Another Travis Irvine articles is here.

Mary Jane Borden spoke about her recent Free Press article and brought us up to date on cannabis legislation in Ohio. She encouraged everyone to attend the “Cannabis Crossroads: What’s in Store for Marijuana Reform in Ohio?” November 19 @ 12:00-1:30pm. Zoom. Jointly sponsored by the Drug Enforcement and Policy Center part of the OSU Moritz College of Law and by the Natural Therapies Education Foundation. Event is FREE. Register here.

Mark spoke about the gerrymandered districts in Ohio and the Ohio state legislature.

Sandy Bolzenius reported on one of the redistricting hearings, telling us that the new Republican map would ensure 87 percent of districts to Republicans.

Cathy Cowan Becker joined a discussion about what is going on at the Ohio legislature and told us about a community solar legislation.

Mark mentioned the COP 26 environmental summit going on in Glasgow, Scotland. Since the salon, Cathy Cowan Becker wrote this article about the summit. See image below.

Trane DePriest, joining us from his yacht in Washington state, told us about the new WGRN logo products for sale on the community radio station’s site.

Bryan Curtiss mentioned that this week’s DJBC Happy Hour will be his 400th show on WCRS!

Mark announced that it is Native American Heritage Month. 

There was discussion about how Yes We Can has shut down and the need for a continued independent presence in central Ohio politics. There is an Our Revolution meeting this Wednesday night for those who are interested.

The next Free Press Cyber-Salon is December 11, with World Beyond War activist David Swanson.

Hope to see you at the next one!

Pete Johnson
President, Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism
Contact: 614-253-2571