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01 March 2017

Alcohol is a big problem on college campuses and underage drinking is a major slice of the problem. The connection between excessive alcohol consumption and violence and sexual assault is well established.

Ohio State University...

Chelsea Clinton wearing red at a microphone
25 February 2017

The only section of the New York Times I consistently enjoy is “By the Book.” It is a quick read that offers a glimpse into the reading habits of writers, musicians, and other public figures. When I came to the latest edition...

Nurse with fist raised in a red circle that says Health Care is a Human Right
21 February 2017

Healthcare should be about keeping people alive and healthy. Period. It should have nothing to do with business school graduates getting rich or ridiculously large corporations amassing political power. Alas, America’s political elite...

Guy with white beard and funny hat standing next to young man with glasses
12 February 2017

I gave this letter to DNC Chair Candidate Sam Ronan to give to every DNC candidate. He has promised me that he will deliver it. I am also emailing it to their campaigns.


My name is Bijan Nader Sharifi, I am a...

Columbus Media Insider logo
02 February 2017

Gov. John Kasich, his allies and some media sycophants made great noise during Kasich's failed Presidential campaign that Ohio's governor was the "adult in the room" and the "prince of lightness."

Folks in Ohio wondered who they...

Putin's face, white guy with balding brown hair and a suit
01 February 2017

Not that I was getting all that much good sleep before, but I've written off getting much more in the next four years. I've always been a pretty dour person, at least as my external facade, so in some way I'm well equipped for the joy...


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