
11 December 2013
With the utterance of one word on a voicemail, everything changed, even though he only “half” meant it. Up until the time Jonathan Martin released that recording, the going reaction to his allegations of harassment and abuse by Richie...
11 December 2013
This past Thursday December 5, Nelson Mandela, one of the world’s greatest fighters for freedom, passed away after a life of struggle a the age of 95. Politicians from Raul Castro to Ted Cruz were quick to release statements offering their...
11 December 2013
The universe has a uncanny knack for adding perspective whenever popularity gets confused with significance. The actor Paul Walker was popular. Nelson Mandela was significant. Fox News should not be counted in the ranks of admirers of...
11 December 2013
Dear Editor We’re extremely disappointed that the Ohio House would gut an effective 10-year-old bipartisan law at the request of the debt settlement industry. It should raise eyebrows that during committee hearings, the industry trade...
05 December 2013
Dear Editor Regarding the current brewhaha re: Ohio Senate Bill 193, the Ohio Republican Party's latest effort at restraining diversity and independent thinking by essentially outlawing political third parties, I can only refer the...
27 November 2013
We live in a city that is infamous for knocking down interesting historical structures. They seem to treat the official Historic Registry of buildings in Columbus like a “hit list” for demolition. Whenever I see the “Arch Army” on...


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