Dear Editor
To Jim Petric's (sic)questions: “why does our mounting monster debt of some
$17 trillion and unfunded promised entitlements of $60 trillion NOT
sincerely, inarguably scare the shit out of you?
“I am not a Tea Partier,...
14 November 2013
With a stroke of his pen on November 6, 2013, Ohio Governor John Kasich demonstrated his utter contempt for democracy. Fearing that Ohio Libertarian Party nominee Charlie Earl, who has strong Tea Party support, would cut into his...
14 November 2013
Dear editor
Why does money matter in politics?
Money appears to be overwhelming county, city, state and federal elections why does money matter so much? WHAT! Independents and undecided voters are those the big money appears...
07 November 2013
Obamacare (The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) PPACA has been alternately called both things. In the hyper-ideological world our political system labors under these days, the reality is that the PPACA is both to different...
07 November 2013
We have seen this act before. It always appears innocent to the untrained eye, but those who pay close attention can sense when something is rotten in Denmark, or in this case Dennison Place.
Concerned citizen Frank Zindler smelled...
31 October 2013
By now you've surely seen the cover of this week's issue and may have wondered just what we at the Free Press are up to with our mask of Andy Ginther. Many of you are probably asking yourselves if we are ripping off Columbus's former...