
Marijuana leaf
01 January 2020

Consensus seems to hold that 2019 was a mixed bag: ground-breaking, positive change countered by frustration, gloom and doom, all peppered with more than a little bizarre. Let’s take a look:

The Awesome


Padlocks floating in cyberspace
19 December 2019

Does your city council, state legislator, or even your senator have an understanding of cybersecurity? What about all the people who work for them?

There’s a chance that the people running your local, state, and even federal...

Info about Kwanzaa event
08 December 2019

Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, we now enter the finish line with the month of December. In the month of December, you see it all. Deck The Halls With Boughs of Holly. Jingle Bells. The barrage of Christmas-themed...

Presents and herbs
06 December 2019

The holidays are filled with the spirit of giving, often with the intention of bringing joy to loved ones. The aroma of cinnamon, clove and holiday spices are fragrant reminders of the pivotal way that herbs have implanted themselves...

Statehouse rotunda with marijuana leaf superimposed on top
05 December 2019

The past year marked many major milestones for marijuana. Michigan voters passed an adult use ballot measure in November 2018, with the first business licenses issued on December 1. In June, Illinois became the second Midwest state to...

Baby in top hat with 2019 sash in a cage looking scared
05 December 2019

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” stated George Santayana. We’ve heard this often the past three years, mostly in reference to the rise of Nazi Germany. The rigged U.S. election system and antiquated and...


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