
27 November 2013
In honor of last week's Trans Day of Rememberance and Trans Awareness Week, I asked International Dancer and Burlesque Performer, Fonda Lingue some questions. I follow her on Facebook and we have become friends, meeting at burlesque...
27 November 2013
I can't tell you how upset I am to even be writing this column. It's Hate Michigan Week, I was going to insult the state and defend Detroit #atthesamedamntime. But when chicanery in the state legislature is afoot, Ain't No Love In The...
21 November 2013
One man's overthrow of a democratically elected government is another man's fodder for a TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) talk. Key in white and Western colonial projects is a sovereign nation all too willing to play host. Since...
21 November 2013
Question: How can I ask my wife for sex? We have been married for 19-plus years, and have not had sex for ten years now. I am desperate. IT is complicated. Any ideas? Dear Reader:Thank you for your question. I can feel your...
21 November 2013
Oh tosh, it has begun. I realize, of course, that I should have been expecting it. But, alas, I was caught off guard. When I walked into the supermarket last night, there it was: the jingling of that bloody bell in the hands of a...
20 November 2013
Dear Editor To Jim Petric's (sic)questions: “why does our mounting monster debt of some $17 trillion and unfunded promised entitlements of $60 trillion NOT sincerely, inarguably scare the shit out of you? “I am not a Tea Partier,...


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