The Holidays are a time when one either blesses their own foresight or curses themselves for their lack of it. Overcoming setbacks in my year-end Kerouac-esq peregrination to the east made me do both. I should have planed this trip better...
19 December 2013
Nobody knows who plays the pranks around here, or why things break. They should check in on the guy with too much happy in his go lucky. That would be me. This week, rather than swapping the logic board in the printer with something I...
19 December 2013
On Kevin Smith’s Fatman on Batman podcast last week, longtime Warner Bros./Cartoon Network writer and producer Paul Dini spoke up about studio pressure he’s felt lately to not only make sure cartoons appeal to boys but to actively exclude...
19 December 2013
Dear Lady Monster,
I'm in my 20s and I keep losing my hard-on. No matter when- during a hand job, blow job or actual sex. Sometimes I cum even when I'm not totally hard, but my girlfriend gets disappointed, wanting to feel pleasure. I...
19 December 2013
Leave it to Sarah Palin, of all people, to play unwitting court jester, and speak aloud that which we all would rather have left unsaid. On November 11, in an interview on NBC, she said “I love the commercialization of Christmas because it...
11 December 2013
With the utterance of one word on a voicemail, everything changed, even though he only “half” meant it. Up until the time Jonathan Martin released that recording, the going reaction to his allegations of harassment and abuse by Richie...
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