
14 November 2013
On Tuesday, October 22nd, the sex-positive community lost a fearless leader, Carlos Batts. This beloved artist passed away at the age of 40. His work and spirit touched many of us, leaving us stunned and saddened by his sudden departure...
14 November 2013
Fellow Geek Ladies, there's a sinister threat plaguing our culture: An influx of self-proclaimed geeks who come to our conventions, our message boards, even our Tumblr dashboards not to share in our love of things but to show off for our...
14 November 2013
The knuckle-headed nitwit who edits this publication snipped my final remarks from last week's missive, in which I was complaining about my printer, which is sucking the life out of me. I was going on about how it tries to get me to...
14 November 2013
Dear editor Why does money matter in politics? Money appears to be overwhelming county, city, state and federal elections why does money matter so much? WHAT! Independents and undecided voters are those the big money appears...
07 November 2013
During the Halloween season, there is a lot of flesh being exposed. Several events are planned that are fetish-oriented and have a Halloween theme. For instance, in Columbus we have Trauma, Detroit has Theatre Bizarre, San Francisco has...
07 November 2013
On Monday, October 28, an explosion and heavy gunfire were reported outside the US embassy in Yemen. You may have heard about it. It got a brief mention on all the cable news channels with promises of more on this story as it develops...


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