
Details about event
30 August 2022

Monthly Green Drinks events are back! On hiatus since February 2020, Green Drinks is an informal meetup of local residents who care about the environment. Please join us to kick off this programming Tuesday, August 30th, from 5:...

Two men getting arrested
29 August 2022

Joe Motil, former Columbus City Council candidate and longtime community advocate who has begun circulating petitions to run for Mayor in the 2023 May primary election states, “On the eve of the 59th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther...

People on strike
29 August 2022

Now that Columbus City Schools (CCS) teachers are back in schools, they have a simple request of Superintendent Dr. Talisa Dixon and her allies on the Board: "Please come to my school, a football game, an orchestra concert, and get to...

29 August 2022

Monday, August 29, 2022, 11:45 AM
Location:  Corner of Gay Street and Washington Ave.
Columbus Museum of Art employees including frontline and operations workers are coming together to urge the Museum's...

People posing in front of the US Capitol
28 August 2022

RESULTS is an organization where everyday people advocate for a world free of poverty and oppression. In the last year, we helped shape the emergency Covid funding bill that kept millions of people from...

People being arrested
28 August 2022

Mayoral candidate Joe Motil and long-time advocate for the homeless Rev. Gary Witte are arrested for trespassing at the home of Columbus City Council President Shannon Hardin. Activists set up tents on the lawns of three members of...


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